Friday, June 15, 2012

Life in 6th

SOOO it has been awhile.  But, what is VERY exciting is that I get to keep my job!!!  For those of you who didn't know, the budget was going to cut my position, seeing that I was the last one hired!  But it didn't, so now I will again be teaching Science and ELA next year.  I am so super excited!!!!  But to recap (literally) the last 3 months, here are some pictures I found on my good 'ole iPhone:

My grant went through!!!  I have this awesome set now of remotes which connect
to my computer and I can show a question with answers and the kids
can "lock in" their response.  I LOVE THIS!

I started massive cleaning of the storage closet
(and actually the classroom too).  There was so much
left from the teacher before me!!!

Oh, and there was a week at the end of may that the temperature IN the classroom
was 91 degrees.  Yep.  3rd floor = not good on warm days.  Also doesn't make
for a happy bunch of pre-teens!!

Anyway, stop over at my other blog: for more info on the end of my school year!
